Set-up - be faster

Chainsniper: Special things to be faster


Chainsniper PumpBot will only detect NEW Liquidity Add Events in Mempool: liquidity already added won't be detected --> do not use it for already launched tokens

Info There is no BUYPRICE with Chainsniper PumpBot: it buys at the price specified by the team when they add liquidity --> BUYPRICEINBASE has been removed from tokens.json

1. First steps

Prerequisites :

  • Windows operating system (your computer or a VPS, have a look at the FAQ)

Our bot works with 2 json files :

  • settings.json

  • tokens.json

2. Configure your settings and tokens

The only parameter who only exist in Sniper is in settings.json : MEMPOOL_METHOD

  • If you use private node : MEMPOOL_METHOD = private_node

  • If you use public node : MEMPOOL_METHOD = public_node

One difference to notice : Chainsniper PumpBot is able to detect which liquidity pair was used by the team, and buy accordingly !

Example: Team adds liquidity in BUSD for LAMBO token --> Chainsniper PumpBot will buy with BNB > BUSD > LAMBO route


Last updated