How to use Liquidity Pairs

Liquidity Pair (LP) is super important in Sniping.

For instance, the team can add liquidity in BUSD, and an early buyer can create a fake liquidity pool with 0.0001 BNB and make you snipe on this pair.

--> If you do this, you will lose all your money.

So please follow the advices above to be safe 🙏

Chainsniper provides many parameters, to make sure you're sniping the correct pair.

There are several options :


Chainsniper PumpBot

Chainsniper bot is more clever : it automatically detects which token is used for liquidity, and takes care of everything Just enter the amount of BNB/AVAX... that you want to use for BUY and Sniper will take care of all the rest

Chainsniper =ptions

With Chainniper, it's easy: it automatically detects which token is used for liquidity, and takes care of everything. Chainsniper PumpBot will always use your BNB / AVAX / ETH / etc. to buy : just enter the amount of token that you want to use for BUY and Sniper will take care of all the rest.

Example If you want to buy 0.5 BNB of a token :


and... that's it !

Route used

If liquidity is in BNB

Bot will use BNB liquidity pool

BNB > Token

If liquidity is in BUSD

Bot will use your BNB to buy in BUSD liquidity pool

BNB > BUSD > Token

How to avoid being scammed ?


Last updated