๐ณPumpBot: discordToken.json
Only needed for PumpBot. This is for the Discord Detection where you need to use your discord Token to verify.
Last updated
Only needed for PumpBot. This is for the Discord Detection where you need to use your discord Token to verify.
Last updated
Only needed for the PumpBot and only needed if you want to use Discord Scraper!
To use the Discord API to scan the latest message you need to enable the Developer Mode on Discord. Below is a Link where it is explained how you can do it. You dont need to enter that when you only want to use the Telegram Detection Mode.
Below you see the discordToken.json. Just insert your whole (yes, it is very long) Token within the qutation marks. And double check if it is really correct and nothing got cut off.
The Token for Discord is not easy to find. The easiest way is to watch one of the two Youtube Videos below:
The channelId is the Channel the PumpBot should listen to. Here is how to get the channelId. This is really easy to do. The first Option is to just "right click" the channel the PumpBot should listen to and copy the ID - see the video below.
You then only need to copy and paste your channelId into the configEXCHANGE.json - which will be explained on the next page.
Your userToken can change over the time! Please update this regularly, like once every two month to be on the save side!