PumpBot - Manual Buying
Here I explain how you can buy a coin in the manual mode.
For this Test you can use one for the following configEXCHANGE.json Settings. We will buy with a Limit Order and also sell with a Limit Order on KuCoin, Gate.io and Hotbit.
Settings for the manual Buy
To perform a Market Order on Binance and KuCoin you need to set the "buyLimit" Parameter to 1.0 or smaller. For Gate.io you have a Limit Order, this means you will have to rise the "buyLimit" to 1.4 so the Limit Order gets filled for sure - the same logic accounts for Binance and KuCoin.
Why use a Market or a Limit Order to Buy - Answer: PrePump Protection. With a Limit Order the Bot wont buy when the price has already risen too high. With a Market Order the Bot will always Buy (not on Gate.io - no Market Orders).
We also set the createOCOOrder to "True", so the Bot creates Limit Sell Orders (OCO Order on Binance). We also dont want to Sell using the timer Mode, so we set sellTimerMode to "False" as well.
We set "panicSell" to "True", because we want to sell when we hit "Enter" on the PumpBot and we want to enter the Coin Name manual, so we set "detectionMode" to "False".
And that are our Settings to buy manual a Coin.
Starting the PumpBot
For windows double click the PumpBot to start it. For MacOS you start it with the Terminal as mentioned in the Introduction. The PumpBot will display your Settings:
Manual Buying with the PumpBot
We have added a scheduler to plan when the PumpBot will load the prices (important for the PrePump Protection) and when to start the Telegram or Discord Detection (not needed here). So, now you have to input "n" for "No" (we dont want to use the scheduler) and then we hit "Enter" and the PumpBot will load the average Prices of all Coins and the manual Input window will open. See below:
Now you have to enter the Coin you want to buy. For Binance we recommend to buy VIB, SKY or DLT. For KuCoin we recommend to buy LON, ORBS or ROUTE. For Gate.io we recommend to buy MET, XAVA or FUEL. Just type the name in and hit "Enter". Use a Coin that is avaialb to that Exchange and has been pumped in the past. Dont use BTC or ETH. The Bot will now buy the Coin you have entered.
Check if the Coins or still available at the Exchange!
Manual Selling with the PumpBot
After you hit "Enter" the Bot will buy the Coin (in this case ETH) as fast as possible and will show the results of the order, like price, quantity, fees and so on. On first sight this looks overwhelming, but you will soon get used to it :-)
The PumpBot will look like this and the Bot will open the Webbrowser so you see the charts on the Website of the Exchange.
Now you have to Sell the amount the PumpBot has bought. The PumpBot will show you how much profit you have currently made. But be aware, because this could be false due to the high volatilty at the Exchange! For this click on the Logo or the header of the window, because the webbrowser has been opened and you have to go back into the PumpBot. Dont click into the filed it will stop the PumpBot!!
So now, hit "Enter" again and the Bot will Sell. After the Sell you could buy the same Coin again to catch a second wave. The process is the same as before. In our simple tutorial we say "n", so the Bot wont buy again. As you can see below this is how the PumpBot window looks like, after we are done.
End - Free PumpBot
This little tutorial is how you buy manual and sell via Market Orders. You can now vary the Parameters and use different Settings and see what happens. You are now ready to make big Profits with this PumpBot!
Last updated
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